Thank You Thank You Thank You
Words cannot express my gratefulness to each of you for supporting my efforts to promote Holly the Holstein. For the past few days, my phone has been saying “Cha-ching” all day long as you have been ordering the e-book. The next step is to read (to a child, if possible) and review. Reviews really factor in when it comes to ratings. You pushed the e-book up to #4 in children’s farm animal books. Now let’s keep it up by getting in your reviews.
A, B, C’s Down on the Farm needs some attention though. Early on, I sent you a PDF of the coloring book. You can review that. Consider purchasing for birthday or Christmas gifts. It’s only $5.
In Case You Missed It
We had a wonderful time Thursday evening, celebrating together at my Celebration Launch. I shared more about my story and my family.
I introduced Dawn Bowers at Mommy Scribbles Publishing, who guided me through my first-time self-publishing.
Then Eric A Grimes came in and read the book for us. He has created an audible for me. I just love his storytelling and his rendition of Holly the Holstein Talks About Milk Cows. It will be available very soon on Amazon, Itunes, and Audible. In the meantime, I have dropped a listening file in my Launch dropbox for you.
Interspersed between all this we did a few giveaway drawings for books and cow swag.
Here are the winners!
Remember that you received one entry for every time you shared about the book, or purchased, or reviewed.
Prize # 1 The New Updated Holly book - Bettie Gilbert
Prize #2 The coloring book - Kay Barfield & Dayna Ault
Prize #3 Cow T-shirt of choice - Dawn Bowers
Prize #4 Choice of Puzzle or Tumbler - Melissa Pickens & Dayna Ault
Grand Prize - Both books & a TY cow - Bettie Gilbert
Bonus Prize - Choose one item from the Cow Swag on my Etsy Store - Zanese Duncan
NOTE TO ALL: Cow Swag is still on sale for 20% off until Nov 8. I hope to have some fun Christmas shirts available before Thanksgiving.
Instructions for Receiving Gifts
Congratulations to each of you and those who won something during the week. I’m still waiting for my author copies to arrive. But you should be receiving your gifts before Thanksgiving week. I do need you to email me with your mailing address & if you won some swag, please go to my Etsy account and choose your gift.
Cow Swag prizes can be selected on Etsy by going to the product you want and then messaging me there with sizes and your address. Do NOT order it. Just message me.
Announcements about the Future
#1 on Wednesday I received notice that my devotion was selected to be published on Flourish Writers. I shared that devotion with you on Halloween. But Here it is again.
#2 I am working on a new children’s book about a Mommy with Fibromyalgia, It’s called Soft Hugs For Mommy. The text is with the illustrator now. We hope to publish in May or September.
#3 I have ideas and mockups for two new Holly books. A Cows Life where you get to spend the day with Holly and the Farmer’s Daughter. And Farm Friends where you will meet all the different farm animals. What job do they have? What sound do they make?
#4 Between all that I am writing devotions for a book of devotions for the Chronically ill. The title is still being nailed down. Something like, From Discord to Harmony - Making Harmony with Our Pain. I blog about chronic pain at…