Finally, the day has come! My new children’s Picture book, Soft Hugs for Mommy is available for purchase in paperback on Amazon. This is about a family whose mommy has fibromyalgia. The family learns how to make adjustments for a new normal. In the final pages, there are talking points to open lines of communication between parent and child. I believe this would be a great resource for any type of chronic illness. Click below to order your copy.
Last week I left you with only “SOFT” hugs. This week, I give you the “HUGS”.
H - Humor
There is a lot of good stuff at The Mighty. It’s all Chronic Warriors writing about their life. Paige Wyatt recently shared some memes you might relate to. Here’s one…
U - Unforgotten?
May 12th is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. Share this with everyone. The National Fibromyalgia Awareness Association is getting the word out. Go and find out how they can help.
G - Good Reads
Samantha Moss is an amazing Chronic Illness Advocate with a fabulous forum for anyone with any chronic illness. This is such a wonderful and supportive group. If you aren’t a part of it already, consider joining. She was nominated for a lifetime award this year at Social Health Network.
It's been 2 years since her book was published and to celebrate the anniversary, ImagineWe Publishers are offering a huge 75% discount through their online shop.
This is an amazing offer, and I'm so hoping this makes the book available to those who have really wanted it but haven't been able to afford it.
S- Song
JJ Heller released a new song this month, Motherhood
Travel Vicariously
Super relaxing music and nature sounds with beautiful scenery. Travel the world.
Soft Hugs and Be Blessed!
Remember reviews make a big difference for keeping Soft Hugs For Mommy visible to shoppers on Amazon. Please leave a review once you receive and read the book. Thank you!
Congratulations on your new release!!!!
Congratulations :)