S - Scripture
Enjoy this Interview with Chronic Pain Warrior, Olivia Wolfertz. “
O - Oasis
Find an oasis with mobile coloring. I use Zen Color by Number from Google Play.
F - Facts About Fibromyalgia
Many people have a lot of questions about fibromyalgia. I hosted a series of blog posts to answer questions. I called it “Letters to Friends”. The posts are written in letter form. Short and sweet. Answering just one question.
I often let a guest writer share her experience because we all have different experiences. I thought sharing some of those posts might be helpful to you. The first in the series is from Bettie Gilbert on “What is a Day in Life Like?”
T- Travel
As I have mentioned, I have lived in Wisconsin twice in my life. My husband and I pastored in Milwaukee back in the 90’s. Our kids were small then so we had season tickets to many wonderful places. Plus Museums were free on Mondays.
Here’s a 20-minute tour of the Mitchell Park Domes, we loved this terrarium and went to it often.
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title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
H - Something Heard
If you don’t know Tami Stackelhouse, you need to get to know her. She is the epitome of encouragement. Tami has built an institution training Fibro Warriors to coach other warriors. She has a wonderful podcast and a slew of trained coaches. Contact her if you need help learning a new normal with fibromyalgia.
U- Update on Book Writing
Soft Hugs For Mommy - Ebook FREE during Prime Days! Please remember to leave a review. Thanks!
From Dissonance to Harmony Devotional - Being considered by a publisher!
Holly the Holstein - follow-up book being created! It’s about all the animals on the farm.
G - Good Reads
A Place for Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada is a wonderful book. If you aren’t familiar, Joni was injured in a swimming accident in her late teens and became a quadriplegic. No in her 60s, she writes about not receiving healing and what it means to her. Go to my blog to read my review and learn where to purchase the book.
S- Song
I played the marimba, and variations thereof, in my teens. So this little piece was quite enjoyable to me. It’s on FaceBook. Sorry if you aren’t on there, but I couldn’t figure out how to get just the video file.
I hope you have found something helpful for you. I’m always open to more ideas and tips and things to share, so feel free to let me know your favorite go to places.
Soft Hugs!