Here are the first 5 days of my devotional. I would love for you to read them over by the end of October and give me your thoughts. I am looking most for initial reactions at this time, not necessarily grammar and punctuation corrections as these writings will likely be updated. Think about and answer these types of questions. You may answer in reply to this email or use the WORD editor if you have that version of WORD.
Do you suffer from a Chronic Illness? Know someone who suffers from Chronic Illness?
Does each devotion make you want to read the next one?
Do you find yourself skimming rather than reading it through?
Are you confused at any point in the devotion? Do you have enough information? Too much information?
Does the devotion resonate with you? How?
Is it too long/ too short?
Do you find encouragement at the end of the devotion?
Did my story capture your attention? why or why not?
Did you notice any inconsistencies?
Here is the first week of devotions
Remember to read and respond by the end of October. Thanks
P.S. Please do not share these emails with others.
I do suffer from chronic pain. I skimmed the first two days only because I was looking to see if the headings were the same for each day. I did this as I am not musical at all, so it took me a second to realize the headings were music terms. I also had no idea what Surprise Symphony was. This was the first time I ever saw that Joseph was a privileged child. I think they are a good length as well.